All great stories start with “it was a dark and stormy night”, and this one is no exception.

It was November of 2014, and Lianne had posted in a Facebook mommy group that she was looking for other local moms who had a business and wanted to get together over a glass of wine. That first night, seven women came out in a snowstorm to chat about business and family and their dreams. By the end of that evening they had laid the foundation for what would eventually become Mamas & Co.

In the first few years, our community centred around local events. However Lianne quickly realized that in order to make a bigger impact on the world and help the most mamaprenuers, we would need to create more opportunities for our mamas to connect and learn online. So, we went global!

Mamas & Co. Milestones

Today the Mamas & Co. experience is focused on giving our mamas access to weekly coaching, best-in-class business training, networking opportunities, and of course our very active, supportive online member forum (our private Facebook group).

Every year we attract hundreds of mamapreneurs across the globe. Some are in their first few years of business, and others are further a long in their journey. While our community has evolved over time, one thing remains the same; our commitment to providing a judgment-free space where mom bosses can learn and grow, together!

Our First Ever Event

Our first annual conference MamaCon

We incorporated

Our inaugural “Giving Back” program (The Mamapreneur Fund)

Lianne launched The Business of Thinking Big podcast

Our first ever Online Conference


50% Complete

Two Step

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