Giving back to our community has always been a big part of the Mamas & Co. mission. That's why we established the Mamapreneur Fund in 2018, solidifying our commitment to providing financial assistance to deserving mamas within our community. These women truly embody the Mamas & Co. spirit and values, and have a deep desire to make a positive impact on the world.

This year we were delighted to honour 8 finalists, spanning many different industries, ages and stages of business. Each finalist received both a financial grant and a complimentary ticket to MamaCon 2025.

The 2024 Winner

On November 8th, the Mamas & Co. Team proudly awarded the Grand Prize to Shaughnessy King of Success by Ness whose compelling vision and overwhelming passion won over the judging panel. Shaughnessy is a devoted member of the Mamas & Co. community and is constantly making efforts to not only grow her own business but connect with and support our other members as well. Shaughnessy has grown her business from humble beginnings to a now wildly successful venture that has enabled her and her family to live their dreams. We look forward to watching Shaughnessy continue to grow and "pay it forward" as she works with Lianne and the Mama Mentors over the next 12 months.

Grand Prize: Shaughnessy King - @SuccessByNess 




Shaughnessy King - @SuccessByNess  (Grand Prize)

Stacey Laviolette - @myfriendtoothy (2nd place winner)

Kelly Caisse - @kdcropfarms (3rd place winner)

Anita Rombough - @anitarombough 

Heather Hird - @alterationconsulting 

Vanessa Abad - @mauve.bonbon

Carla Catherwood - @carla_catherwood 

Tanya Bay - @cheftanyabay & @ZoeTupeloBooks



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