Get more done with less time.


Hey mama,

I see you. Trying to do it all. You're running a business, while raising a family and organizing a household, all while trying to juggle a million other things.

Sometimes, it's simply exhausting, isn't it!?

Well, have no fear because I have created a very special Mini Course just for you.

How To Be Productive For Mamapreneurs

In this training you will...

  • Get clear on what really matters to you and why
  • Learn powerful tools for letting go of the tasks not serving you
  • Understand Time as a Resource and how to find it, create it and get more of it.
  • Learn how to batch tasks and Time Block so you can be more productive
  • Learn how to find more Flow in your days, so you can get more done and have more fun

I know that sometimes it feels impossible to be productive.

I've been there... a few times. But one time in particular stands out. When COVID-19 hit, and all of a sudden my kids were home all day, every day, along with my husband who was also trying to work, it was as if the universe just put everything on hold.

Suddenly it felt impossible to work on my business and achieve any sort of progress. At that time, business growth seemed completely out of reach. The time I had to work on my business was cut in HALF and I had no idea how I'd fit it all in.

But with a little careful planning and soul searching I found ways to not only keep my business afloat, but to actually GROW. Yup, that's right. In 2020 we grew by 45%, year to date (Jan through May) as a result of the principals I teach in this Mini Course.

Tell me if this is you:

  • You feel like time is the enemy and there's never enough of it.
  • You feel anxious, hurried and frantic a lot of the time.
  • You're constantly switching from task to task with no real plan.
  • Just when you start to make progress on a project, something happens to take your focus away from it.
  • You make some headway on a task, only to find you have to take two steps back.
  • You're not sure what to focus on, It all seems important but you know a lot of it isn't.
  • You love your kids, but making time for them often comes at the expense of growing your business.

If you have felt ANY of this, I feel you.

I have been there with everyone one of these challenges and I know how heartbreaking it can feel to want to move forward and achieve a goal, only to hit a major roadblock or challenge.

So, let's do this together.


Let me be your guide to creating a more cohesive plan to achieving your goals.

Here's what you'll learn in this program:

  1. How to create a Time-Abundance Mindset
  2. How to create a compelling 5-Year Vision, your "North Star"
  3. How to set meaningful Goals that are aligned with your 5-Year Vision
  4. How to identify the resources you have to create the results you want
  5. How to create more time to work on your goals
  6. How to Identify your "Zone of Genius" so you can focus on your most important tasks
  7. How to "batch" similar tasks and how to Time Block effectively
  8. The productivity tools I use to help me achieve more, including my favourite books on goal-setting and productivity

Yes friend, when you purchase this workshop, I'll cover all of the above and MORE! With your purchase you get:

1. The Training Video:
How to Be More Productive for mamapreneurs

2. The Audio Training
So you can listen on the go

3. The Detailed Workbook
So you can capture new learnings and put them into ACTION

Whether you have just a few hours a week to work on your business or you a full 40 hours, this system WORKS.

You can learn the simple steps to...

  • Creating more Time
  • Using that Time Wisely
  • Protecting your Time & Focus

Have you heard the expression A Goal is just a Dream with a Deadline? Well if that is true, then a Goal without a Deadline is just a Dream.

I want to help you make your dreams a reality. I want to help you take your business to the next level by prioritizing what matters, I want you to be further ahead in 3 months than you are right now.

Don't worry that you don't have enough time to do this work. This work will actually help you CREATE more time! That's the point.

I have done this work with hundreds of mamapreneurs, and helped them get more done in less time than they ever thought possible. Here's what some of them have to say...

As a mom to two toddlers under the age of 4, with a new business to nurture, it was imperative that I work with someone who 'got it'. Enter Lianne! who provided me, through her coaching, with invaluable tools and resources to help me structure my days and make sense of it all, allowing me to maintain my focus in the areas of my business that needed it the most. Following her advice to time block my calendar for example, was a game changer, keeping me focused on the most important tasks at hand one day at a time. With this, and her cheering me on, the results quickly followed!

Candice Tulsieram,
Event Strategist

A few years ago, I was exhausted feeling as though I was working all the time (and it was never on the things that helped me scale my business). It definitely wasnā€™t how I envisioned life as a successful business owner. Lianne helped me to work out a schedule that included plenty of time to work on my own biz growth, dedicated client time, and days built in for more rest and family fun. She also helped me figure out the tasks I could outsource, starting with a few hours a month, so I could focus more on the parts of work that I love.

Sara Vartanian,
Launch Strategist & Copywriter

I had hit a wall with my work schedule and our schedule as a family. Both my husband and I were trying to work from home in the same room. I wasn't making time for myself, and every day felt rushed, with balls dropping all over the place. During my coaching call with Lianne, she quickly picked up on the lack of routine as my core issue. Through her guided analysis of my day, we were able to build a schedule that made time for myself, my work, and my family. When things feel like they are getting off track, I go back to the time blocking chart and it all falls back into place.

Chernelle Bartholomew,
Health Coach


You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. In this training is hundreds of dollars worth of my very best tools and resources, all for just $37.


50% Complete

Two Step

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