Your step-by-step process to designing your year ahead so you can reach your big, bold goals!

Tuesday, December 5 @ 8 pm EST

In this Masterclass you will:


Step 1: DESIGN - I'll help you create clarity on your BIG vision, so that 2024 will truly be a Breakthrough Year for you!

Step 2: GOAL-SET - I'll help you decide on which goals to focus on in order to achieve the ultimate success in the next 12 months.

Step 3: PLAN - I'll help you create a clear and concrete plan to achieving those goals.
I've done this work with thousands of mamapreneurs over the last decade and I have to tell you, it's the women who start planning their year EARLY who see the biggest results!
And the best part, you don't have to see the whole staircase today. You just have to be willing to take those first few steps with me. Let me be your guide to success, wealth and JOY in 2024!

Does any of this sound familiar to you?

"I feel like I'm always doing all the things, but I'm not getting further ahead." 
"I'm always really busy, but I don't feel productive."
"I really want to achieve my goals, but I know I need a better plan ." 
"I want to make 2024 my breakthrough year, but I feel like there's so much to do and I don't know where to start." 
If any of this sounds like you, you are NOT alone! I hear this all the time from the mamapreneur I coach. 
But guess what... 
You absolutely can make 2024 your breakthrough year.
You just need CLARITY of vision and a solid PLAN! 
In this free masterclass, I'll show you exactly how!

Nice to meet you!


Hi, I'm Lianne. I'm a business coach, best-selling author and mamapreneur mentor. Over the last decade I have helped thousands of high-achieving women build profitable businesses so they can....

✓ Make more money, working fewer hours

✓ Have more control over who they serve and how

✓ Feel more confident in their business and leadership skills

✓ Have more than enough time and energy for themselves and their loved ones

In short, I help mamas just like you to live their dreams all by creating more FOCUS in their businesses. I am a huge advocate for working smarter not harder and I believe we could all be making more money, enjoying more freedom and having more fun along the way!

I have no doubt you have what it takes to reach your goals on your own, but I also know that you'll get further, faster, with a little help.

Let's take that first step together!

Sign up for the FREE Masterclass Now!